
Missing Summer

Horses, Photography, Portraits 13 dicembre 2017

Somehow I already miss last Summer, even if I’m more an Autumn enthusiast, with all its wonderful colors, the smell of fresh-soil and wood in the air, the rain sound… 🍁🍂
Also I’m a tea lover (actually more a tea addicted than a simple lover) and it’s impossible to make it when there is a temperature of 40 degrees outside. 😅
So, to me, Autumn brings all those lovely habits, like reading rolled up in my favorite quilt, while drinking a good Earl Grey, that I do miss during Summer time.
But I had so much fun in these last months, taking loads of photos of beautiful owners with their horses and amazing horses in liberty that makes me miss all that, even if I suffer of low blood pressure and have no energy at all when it’s too hot. 😂
So, these are my personal faves among all the summer photo shootings.
Enjoy them!

All the pictures are taken by me.
You cannot use or reproduce them in any way.

Erika & Uragano

Erika & Uragano

Matilde & Taller

Matilde & Taller

Gloria & Bellavista One

Gloria & Bellavista One

Gaia & Peregrino

Gaia & Peregrino

Giulia & Eseo

Giulia & Eseo

Fabiana & Cabiria

Fabiana & Cabiria

Akaena & Dutch Dream

Akaena & Dutch Dream

Alessandra & Anja’s Boy

Alessandra & Anja’s Boy

Matilde & Quadesh Della Folgore

Matilde & Quadesh Della Folgore

Giulia Basaglia

Appassionata di arti visive, sostenitrice di WordPress, illustratrice e fotografa. Gattofila e amazzone senza alcuna speranza di guarigione, amo il fantasy, i romanzi storici e coltivo un’attrazione smisurata per la fotografia.

My Portuguese Adventu… 9 settembre 2017 “But these are days we dream about when the sunlight paints us gold.”

Sometimes, taking photos feels like you were living in a dream. Does it happen to you too?

Photos taken during Lusitano World's Photo Workshop with Rita Fernandes.


© Giulia Basaglia - Enodia Design & Photography Opositor XVII It’s beginning … 24 dicembre 2017